
For me WebPick was and still is a family, It’s where I really grew professionally and personally, where I made my real substantial leap, both as a professional and as a person. I could go so far as to say WebPick helped me change how I see the world. As a workplace, I think it had the best culture possible: the more you put in, the more you get back in return. You always improve yourself and learn more, you are always motivated to be better and achieve more. The company always gives you a clear view of your goals, what is expected of you, why, and how your efforts fit into the company strategic vision. It is the best school you can go to; you have the freedom to test and fail in order to succeed, but there are no excuses if you make the same mistake twice. The company was always results-oriented, you could play with the process as much as you want, as long as it helps you and the company moving forward and reach its goals, and you know the management always has your back. It was like being a part of an elite unit in the army, only the best get in, and only the best of the best emerge and move forward, there is no dead weight.

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